Wednesday 19 September 2012

Matriarchy : Delusion

Here is one of the many instances of vices in our society..a male-dominant, patriarchal society!
The system of Arranged Marriage. 
You go, see a girl you like by her bio-data and in “proposal photographs” and think she would be suitable for your son. Her family, all prepared but nervous, gives you a warm, hospitable welcome. Being the “ladkiwalas”, it’s their duty to make the “ladkewalas” feel at home; treat them like royalties. Though, each and every person in the room is waiting in anticipation. Still, ladkiwalas are always on their feet, trying to be as warm a host as they can be. Then comes the girl to be seen by the ladkawalas. Oh, she is pretty! Her height is good enough! She is fair and her features are good too! And yeah, she is slim!
You all sit together in the room. Silence prevails. Nobody knows what to say or what to ask. Suddenly, elders decide to leave, leaving the ladka, ladki and a few others of their generation in the room, so that there can be some level of comfort between the two “newly met and could be wedded” people. Hence begins the trails of persuasion to talk, little conversations, questions, expectations…a step for rapport building. Yes, rapport building…so that within that meeting of 3-4 hours, it could be tested whether they can spend the rest of their lives together or not; whether the ladkiwalas get to hear a “yes” from the ladkawalas, for which they have been eagerly waiting or the ladkawalas would ask them to wait ‘cause they still need time to think and consult with the rest of their family, EVEN after the meeting of “those many hours”!
Ladki is shot with all sorts of questions about her hobbies, likes, dislikes, qualifications, clothing habits, eating habits..everything possible. Worse than an interview for job application! She is probably too shy and/ or nervous to ask the questions she has in her mind/ heart. Probably her family instructed her not to question the one she might get married to, ‘cause that might be offensive for his/ his family’s ego! It would be equivalent to questioning THEIR authenticity! They are “the” ladkawalas after all!
Compatibility? That can evolve gradually, during their “courtship” period or something, if it has to. What if it doesn’t? So what! The ladki is adjusting enough. She has been brought up in a joint family. She can and will adjust!
THIS is the 21st century we are living in and there exists no discrimination. Also, the generation gap is decreasing..


Bindi, which is majorly adorned by the women of Hindu society, represents power and feminism. Our society, which is male dominant, is developing and growing, but, unfortunately just superficially. Many of the traditions to which the society still adheres, pull the women down denying the respect they deserve. 
This graphic represents how the society is “anti-women” and her freedom. The slash depicts how women’s royalty/power(purple), passion(red), confidence(orange), joy(yellow) and prosperity & growth(green) have been suppressed and left incomplete due to the restrictions which has been responsible for the darkness (black) in their lives.
On pondering further, Bindi, itself is a sign of one of the endless things women are expected to do, by the society. Paradox. Scientifically, it empowers you by increasing your concentration; but now, most of us just put it as we are expected to do so, without even questioning or reasoning it, like most of our other actions.

…..It’s food for thought..

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